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Psychospiritual  Integration Coaching with Eva -  6 Sessions

Psychospiritual Integration Coaching with Eva - 6 Sessions


What to expect 

Psycho spiritual integration coaching supports you in the preparation as well the integration of psychedelic experiences in order to instil lasting change. We approach psychedelics as powerful tools for personal and spiritual development. The more you work in tandem with them, the more you are going to get out of your experience. This includes following through on insights gained and solidifying them in your day-to-day life. 


During your session(s), we will support you identifying you core challenges as well as blocks and the opportunities that they present for growth and transformation. We’re using a transformational model that guides you through a path of discovery, self-love, alignment to your essence . This gives you the opportunity re-direct your life in alignment with your core values and purpose. 


About your coach 

Eva is a certified Psychospiritual Integration, Gamma Breath, Reiki level 2 and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) practitioner and intuitive with almost 20 years of experience coaching individuals, teams and businesses around the world. She is the founder of Vaaiga an organisation that provides holistic psychedelic transformational and overall wellbeing programs and services. She is truly passionate about bringing together native practices and western medical and therapy approaches for clients to truly transform  their lives and align to their purpose. 


Eva uses a combination of Gamma breathing that allows you to access the highest consciousness brainstate through specialised 1-minute mount nose breath sequences with a psychospiritual transformation coaching model and channeled messages. This powerful combination gives clients the opportunity to make practical, lasting changes in their lives. 


Start your journey 

Start your journey of self-discovery and optimum wellbeing today. This program is designed to transformational, life-changing as well as practical. After purchasing your plan, you will receive a link to book your sessions and to fill in a questionnaire to give us a head start on what is that you would like to work on. 

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